Leave it to Darlene

The morning of my mom’s funeral I received a text from a childhood friend. It read, “leave it to Darlene to paint the sky pink”. A completely gray February morning sky with bright pink streaks running through it. Over the past (nearly) 3 years I cannot believe the number of times the sky has been pink. Pale pink on occasion, but often bold, epic, pink. I never recall seeing pink skies before – orange and yellow, yes, but not pink. Pink skies serve as a constant reminder that my mom is still with me – cheering for a win, having the backs of those she loves and proving that a strong spirit lives on. In the most challenging of times, my mom is my inspiration. Her strength, resilience and light endure…and so will I.
My journey is only partially written and I have a lot of life and adventures left to live. It’s unfortunate that sometimes it takes experiencing adversity to understand the depth of your own strength and to realize the enormity of the love and support you have. I feel the love of my community and it matters, it really does. This blog is my way of sharing how I’m doing.
I’ve often said, “never waste a good crisis”. That means take the lumps life hands you, learn and make it count. Leave things better than you found them. Channel the experience and come out stronger and better on the other side. And may pink skies serve as a reminder of courage, optimism, and hope that I value so much.